Self-Defense Moves You Should Know!

Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2021


You’re finished work after a late shift. It’s dark out, and your car sits on the other side of a large parking lot. This picture is anxiety-inducing to most. It’s easy enough to clutch your keys in your hand if someone were to attack you, but would you know where to hit them? How effective would your keys be in that situation?

Unfortunately, this is something most people have to worry about. Whether you want the assurance that you can keep yourself safe, desire to learn a new skill, or want a great new way to stay in shape, self-defense is something that every person should know. Easy moves are derived from many types of martial arts practices, and anyone can learn them! It’s essential to stay safe and be prepared in case you need to use your skills. Self-defense moves also provide a great way to keep your mind and body in shape.

Essential Self-Defense Simple Moves!

General Tips and Tricks Covered:

  • Get LOUD
  • Hit human weak points
  • Eyes, Nose, Knees, Groin
  • Stay as far away as possible
  • Practice moves with SETVR

With self-defense, it is critical to consider your safety and how to effectively escape your attacker. The easiest thing you can do is push your attacker and get LOUD! Yelling, screaming, and calling out will alert anyone nearby that something is wrong, and can deter would-be attackers long enough for you to run away.

If you need to physically parry an attacker, it is vital to consider the human body and its weak points. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to utilize self-defense moves, the easiest thing to do is to aim for the weak spots on your attacker in relation to your position. In the diagram below, the most accessible and sensitive weak spots are highlighted. Even a simple hit or jab will do enough damage to stun your attacker briefly.

Depending on how far away you are from your attacker will help determine where to aim your attack. NEVER get closer to your attacker to land a blow. The goal should be self-preservation and escape, so always locate a specific weak point that you can reasonably execute from your distance.

If you are in close range with your assailant, aim for the eyes and nose These areas are incredibly sensitive, and hitting them can maim your assailant long enough to escape. For longer-range parries, try to land blows on the knees or groin. Similar to the close-range options, these areas are also sensitive, but can easily be reached with a swift kick if you are farther away from your assailant.

Practice Safely From Home!

As simple as these moves and tips can be, practicing them is important. Learning from an instructor is great, but it can be costly and time-consuming. With SETVR, you can now practice self-defense moves and blocks with digital assailants, right in your own home!

Our recommendation: take a few in-person or zoom-based instructor led sessions and then use SETVR to amplify your practice!

Lower the cost of multiple in-person lessons and travel time while have the ability to practice at your pace when you want. SETVR has crafted multiple scenarios to practice self-defense moves, tracking your progress and helping you build muscle memory. Strap on a VR headset and get practicing!


Free Demos | Steam | Sidequest | Oculus Rift




SETVR, gives you the tools you need to practice yoga, self defense, and meditation whether you’re outside, in your home, or on the go!